Saturday, December 15, 2012

Being Unemployed Part II: How to Stop Mansplaining to Job Searchers

In general I write here about North Africa, the Arab world, and women’s rights issues. I a recent post, I wrote about fatshaming, an issue of great interest to me. In this post, the second in a possibly 3-part series, I am going to write about being unemployed.

There are certain experiences in life, such as attempting to diet/lose weight, pregnancy, or unemployment, where EVERYONE has advice. Let me repeat: EVERYONE has advice. Everyone seems to have a plan or know someone whose plan was successful. And every person wants to share it. Unsolicited, usually. Almost always. This phenomenon is known as “mansplaining,” explaining without regard to the fact that the explainee knows more than the explainer, often done by a man to a woman.

Being unemployed has been the third worst experience of my life.** I’ve tried at various times to rationalize it as “time to get stuff I’ve always wanted to do done,” or “time to get enough sleep and be rested” before facing the rejection/feelings of being invisibility that accompany the job search. The effectiveness of these rationalizations varies in terms of how much they can assuage my sadness/feelings of inadequacy/worthlessness. The unsolicited advice in general does not provide any solace.

A gracious, patient person might explain away these advice givers simply as compassionate individuals with the best intentions. That explanation is no longer enough for me to keep my rage at bay. I have currently been unemployed or underemployed since February 2012. Everyone, as I mentioned above, has advice.


Before I get to the nut meat, I want to qualify the above by affirming that I do value advice—the kind that is solicited and originates from an informed, reasoned source with actual knowledge and/or experience of the subject at hand.

But in terms of topics like weight loss, pregnancy, or unemployment—these topics that are somehow fair game for everyone to advise—I am much less receptive to the often inane, irrelevant, uninformed counsel of the public. It is insulting, annoying, and frustrating.

And now: 3 questions to ask BEFORE offering unsolicited advice to a job searcher

1. What are your educational/professional credentials?

This question sets the stage by providing the giver-of-unsolicited-advice a background upon which to base his/her otherwise uninformed, probably-too-general-and-not-relevant-anyway advice.

But STOP there. Don’t begin advising yet. Take in the answer you received for question one and then PROCEED TO QUESTION 2 WITHOUT ADVISING.

2. What is your industry/what type of work are you looking for?

This question, in conjunction with the first question, provides the giver-of-unsolicited-advice with a more precise idea of the unwilling advisee’s career ambitions.

But STOP there. Don’t begin advising yet. Continue to mull the responses and then CONTINUE ON TO QUESTION 3 WITHOUT ADVISING.

3. What have you tried?

This question is intended to provide the giver-of-unsolicited-advice with an idea of what websites, networks, methods, processes, etc. one has already tried or is already familiar with. This question and its response are designed to eliminate redundant suggestions about who is hiring (For example: I heard NATO is hiring. Oh really? Because I just got laid off from NATO), what kinds of websites are available (Have you heard of USAJobs? Have you considered the State Department? No, as a person with a Ph.D. in international relations-ey stuff and the recipient of multiple grants from the US Dept. of State, including one with a federal government service requirement, I'VE SOMEHOW NEVER HEARD OF THESE THINGS OR CONSIDERED THEM).

Ah ha!

In conclusion, dear giver-of-unsolicited-advice, now that you are equipped with this information, please heed it. I am confident that you will find that a good portion of your suggestions are redundant, not relevant, and/or superfluous.

However, because you were not self-aware enough to consider the above on your own, it is perhaps wishful thinking to believe that a giver-of-unsolicited-advice would even recognize him/herself as an offender.

** The worst experience of my life was my parents' divorce. The second worst was bed bugs.

TL;DR Take time to ask a few questions before launching immediately into advice-giving to a job searcher.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pour ceux qui veulent travailler, le chômage est le pire.
on se dit "j'aurais le temps de lire, faire du sport, apprendre une autre langue, mais en fait on ne fait rien ou en tout cas on le fait lentement.
si je connais plus de choses sur le cinéma, les mangas, la médecine, permis de conduire et sur la recherche d'emploi.

à propos de ces gens là, je comprends ce que tu dis, conseils des professionnels, une qui cherche les lettres sur sont clavier et tapant avec un seul doigt et expliquant des choses comme si j'étais stupid.

mais j'ai vu vraiment des gens qui ne savent pas chercher sur internet, ne savent écrire une lettre, ne savent pas fair un CV et même quand ils le savent il faut leur redire et les pousser à avancer.
j'ai vu aussi des gens qui avait mal au genoux vouloir travailler dans le déménagement et personne lui dire que ce n'est pas possible ou, etc...
bref il y a des gens qui sont stupid et ceux qui ne le sont pas en leur parle comme si ils étaient stupid.

en accident de travail ou au chômage, en fait pour moi ça à été pareil, AT 80% du salaire brut donc je touchais 880 euros / mois et au chômage (licencié car je ne peux plus marcher longtemps, porter ou même rester debout longtemps) je touche 860 euros / mois pendant 36 mois (période maximum).

AT ou chômage, tu es seul et ta famille et tes amis te conseils alors qu'ils ne savent rien.
tu vois aussi presque personne.

je sais ce que je veux faire, j'attends qu'une place se libère pour faire une formation et apprendre un nouveau métier (dans un bureau exclusivement, moi qui aime bouger et être dehors, c'est déjà triste)
et se sera justement "conseiller en insetion professionnel"