While I personally do not possess documentary evidence, my fellow travelers have been repulsed enough by the carnage wrought by the bedbugs to take pictures. I will try to obtain some. I am covered from finger tips to shoulders and from toes to hip in bed bug bites. It's miserable, ugly and unforgivably itchy. In the 110 degree heat of Beni Suef each little painful, poison infested mound throbbed with additional heat, bringing me to my first bout of tears this summer.
To make myself feel better I decided to buy things after we returned to civilization (in this case, Cairo). Here is a display of my treats:
Last Saturday 20 June we traveled to Memphis and Saqaara. The pyramids of Saqaara are visible from the Maadi neighborhood of Cairo, as seen here:
Wednesday and Thursday we spent in the desert 10 km south of Beni Suef at the Mediterranean Centre for Sustainable Development being hot and unproductive. Tomorrow is Friday, our free day. I intend to attend a movie or two, do some homework and brace myself for the heat I will encounter in Giza on Saturday.
Mr. Men in Arabic!!! How F-ing cool is that?!?
I thought heat kills bed bugs!!! Does anti-itch cream help at all? Hope you feel better soon.
On the bright side, you are having an excellent opporunity that very few could have. Have nice summer!
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